So What is NFkB?

We have in previous articles talked about how
inflammation is responsible for a number of chronic conditions that people
consider just a natural part of aging. Well, there is now new research
that confirms this theory and pinpoints a molecule called NFkB found
inside the cells. NFkB is responsible for telling the cells in the body to
start the inflammatory process. This is great if there is an invader that needs
to be taken care of, but as we have mentioned before, inflammation that goes
unchecked will eventually become chronic and can lead to a variety of diseases.
So here is the very very very short version of what's going on inside the
NFkB activates COX 2 which stimulates the production of prostaglandins that cause inflammation and in many cases pain.
NFkB activates COX 2 which stimulates the production of prostaglandins that cause inflammation and in many cases pain.
What increases its actions?
Lots of things can activate NFkB! One key activator are free radicals. Pollution, radiation, certain types of smoke (e.g. cigarettes,) and some chemicals such as those used in agriculture as well as even some of the foods we eat may increase exposure to free radicals.
What diseases are associated with increased
Research is suggesting that some NFkB associated diseases include: Cancer, atherosclerosis, asthma, hepatitis, diabetes, inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory arthritic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis etc.
What can help?
Keeping free radicals
in check and suppressing the action of NFkB may help prevent and even may slow
the course of many chronic inflammatory illnesses
- NSAIDS, COX 2 inhibitors and steroids have been shown in some studies to reduce the expression of NFkB and as a result reduce inflammation. This is great news, the only problem is that there are significant side effects associated with these drugs especially with long term use!
A more natural approach has fewer side effects and is also effective for keeping NFkB under control:
- Increasing intake of fruits and vegetables (As many as 12 servings per day. I know this sounds like a lot but it's not realy. Servings are smaller than you think and are easy to fit into your day...but that's another article for another day :)
- Potent natural antioxidants such as pycnogenol, polyphenols, resveratrol, vitamins C and E, curcumin, ginger, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q 10 to name a few.
- In addition to increasing fruits, vegetables and natural antioxidants in the diet, adopting what's called an anti inflammatory diet has also been proven to be very effective to keeping certain inflammatory conditions under control.
In the next article let's talk a little more about anti inflammatory diets and how they can help us.
- NSAIDS, COX 2 inhibitors and steroids have been shown in some studies to reduce the expression of NFkB and as a result reduce inflammation. This is great news, the only problem is that there are significant side effects associated with these drugs especially with long term use!
A more natural approach has fewer side effects and is also effective for keeping NFkB under control:
- Increasing intake of fruits and vegetables (As many as 12 servings per day. I know this sounds like a lot but it's not realy. Servings are smaller than you think and are easy to fit into your day...but that's another article for another day :)
- Potent natural antioxidants such as pycnogenol, polyphenols, resveratrol, vitamins C and E, curcumin, ginger, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q 10 to name a few.
- In addition to increasing fruits, vegetables and natural antioxidants in the diet, adopting what's called an anti inflammatory diet has also been proven to be very effective to keeping certain inflammatory conditions under control.
In the next article let's talk a little more about anti inflammatory diets and how they can help us.