1) Vegetarian diet:
Some studies show that vegetarian diets reduce inflammation, while diets based on meat and animal products worsens inflammation including joint inflammation. There is evidence to show that rheumatoid arthritis improves with a vegetarian diet for many patients. Note that vegetarian diet in this context means a healthy diet that focuses on fruits and vegetables.
2) Take Your Probiotic
Some studies show patients with rheumatoid arthritis also appear to have high levels of some negative gastrointestinal species of bacteria. It appears that these species grow unchecked when there are a lot of foods from animals in the diet. Adding in a probiotic reduces the negative bacterial species overgrowth.
3) Foods to increase
Fish oil
4) Foods to reduce
Alcoholic beverages
Additives and preservatives
Gluten containing products
5) Raw fruits and vegetables contain enzymes and phytochemicals that help to reduce inflammation
When starting any diet please do discuss with your health care provider and if you have questions or concerns please do come in to see us in office.
Regards in health,
Dr. Shepherd