Wednesday, May 24, 2017

You - Clean Lean Machine - 21 Days!

It’s officially spring and some days are beginning to unofficially look like summer. So off come the layers and in we head to swimsuit season, shorts season and summer dress season. If you have been reading these articles for a while, you will know that I tend to over share so please do excuse me while I let you in on what’s really going on with me.

A little over seven years ago, I went from a very strong fitness focused size smallish to a size mediumish/large. After I had my first baby it took quite a while for me to get back into my fitness and eating habits; And as soon as I found I was able to squeeze back into a few of my pre pregnancy clothes, I discovered I was expecting yet again. We are blessed to have our two amazing boys and now it’s time for me to get back to making sure I’m the best possible version of me. My intention is to return to my fitness routine. I will resume eating for one J and of course in the process lose about 15 lbs. I’m using the next 21days to get myself back on track and I’m going to share with you below, my 5 point plan to ensure my success.

1)      Get clear on what has been an obstacle in the past for success in the future
This will be different for everyone. For me, if my exercise is part of my daily routine, it gets done. If I get to it, when I get to it…well you guessed it, with my busy schedule, I may not get to it. I have to work on scheduling in my work out time. For me this has to be a priority. As far as food goes, my nemesis is salty snacks. I could walk past the most gorgeous, delicious buffet of sweets and pastries with no difficulty, but dear reader, when the potato chip company said “you can’t have just one,” I think they may have had me in mind. Our dear friend and health and wellness consultant - Lynn McDonald says that the things that hold us back often are patterns rooted in the brain. Disrupting these unhealthy patterns increases the probability of success.

2)      Focus on food – eat more, eat more often, eat more healthy stuff
This part is going to be the easy part for me I think. I know that there are so many delicious and healthy foods at my disposal. Eating 6 small meals per day will keep me full, focused and will reduce the likelihood of cravings and binges.  It will mean focusing on a plant based diet – I don’t intend to go back to being vegetarian mind you – but just eating more fruits and vegetables. Like at least 12-13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.  Planning my meals and packing my meals daily will take a little doing but once I pack healthy stuff it will be unlikely that I will reach for processed junk food. I also need to keep track of my water intake and take my supplements.

3)      Get professional help
We could all use some professional help. Even though I am a physician and additionally I have a master’s degree in clinical nutrition, Step 3 for me will be sitting with a professional.  Mechael Hamilton our in house Wellness Coach will be my resource for crafting my long term strategy.  Lifetime sustainable eating plans are not “one size fits all.” Almost all patients (including me of course,) have specific health concerns that must be addressed. Professional help ensures the right plan for my needs and ensures long term success.

4)      EveryBody…Move your body, AKA: There is beauty in strength
We all know diet is the key to improving health and wellness but exercise is also important. Once you are cleared by your healthcare provider for exercise, making time for aerobic cardiovascular exercise as well as weight bearing exercises helps build lean strong muscles as well as strong bones.

5)      Don’t stress
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been known to reach for the not so good for you carbs when under stress.  That can be a slippery slope, derailing the whole healthy eating idea. During the next 21 days I will be focusing on keeping my stress levels as low as I possibly can. Exercise, including my yoga class, deep breathing exercises, laughing, journaling, listening to music and meditation have all been cited in the literature as effective means for reducing stress. In the past listening to music and running have been effective stress busters for me.

The key is commitment. One of the number one reasons health and wellness plans fail is that people are just not ready to do what it takes. It wasn’t the right time for me before but I am ready now. The other thing I know for sure is that dieting doesn’t seem to be a sustainable way to get lean and healthy for life. In my experience guiding patients over the years, what I have found is that a change in lifestyle seems to be what works best.

Please do feel free to join me and our patients who have decided to take the 21 day health and wellness challenge. For more information on how to participate in our upcoming workshop, at no cost to you, just call us in office or click here. There is strength in numbers, let’s get strong together.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

5 Holistic Interventions for Allergy Season!

35 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. In our office we have already started seeing patients with allergies, so it is an appropriate time to share a few expert strategies for managing allergies. Always talk to your health care provider before implementing any health care suggestions.

1) Watch the stress!
 A recent study found that stress is as bad as or even more dangerous than smoking 15 cigarettes per day, no exercise, overindulging in alcohol and obesity. For seasonal allergies some studies recommend: Sauna Therapy, Massage Therapy and Essential Oils. A perfect recipe for relaxation: A bath or shower with essential oils such as clary sage, sweet orange, lavender or lemon.

2) Get started with spring cleaning!
 Address the indoor allergens. Wet dusting, air filters and vacuums with HEPA filters all help. Clean curtains and bedding on the highest temperature settings. Reduce house plants and stuffed toys. Reduce humidity in the home.

 3) Keep outdoor allergies out!
 Wash the nose daily with a nasal saline rinse or consider using a Neti Pot, especially after being outside. Wear sunglasses outside to help keep pollen out of the eyes. Consider nasal barrier methods such as Nasal Screens to keep the allergens out.

4) Fix the GUT
70-80% of the immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract. Treating allergies with nutritional interventions appears appropriate. Reducing fructose in the diet has been found to be helpful for allergy sufferers. An anti-allergy diet tailored to the patient's needs has also been found to be effective. Adding a probiotic and omega 3 fatty acids is usually advantageous for allergy sufferers.

5) Some foods and herbal supplements may help
For allergy season, these foods help keep the respiratory tract healthy.

1) Mucolytics: E.g. onions and radishes.
They soften mucous and help us get rid of it.

2) Emollients or Demulcents: e.g. okra, dates and figs.
These reduce respiratory mucosal inflammation.

3) Antiseptics: E.g. thyme, garlic and propolis.
These reduce harmful bacteria and viruses.

There are many supplements that have been shown to be very effective for treating seasonal allergies. Consider including more foods containing vitamin C and fruits and vegetables containing quercetin. Green Tea may also help with the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Good results have also been seen with condiments such as oregano and olive leaf.

 Allergies affect 1 in 5 Americans.  Living with allergies can be difficult even debilitating, however nutritional interventions exist and have been proven effective. If you or someone you know suffers from allergies, please do speak to your health care provider or call us at 860-589-1491

Regards in health,
Dr. Shepherd


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