Saturday, March 11, 2017

5 Health Tips To Ease The Time Change Transition

We have transitioned into daylight savings time! How is that going for you? If you are like me, the time change may still have you feeling a little groggy at best, and full on exhausted at worst.

Spring is coming!
(Chris picking dandelions last spring.)
It seems falling back is always so much easier than the spring ahead for my family and even for many of our patients. Here are a few tips to try to make the transition a little easier: 

Sleep expert Dr. Feinsilver recommends:
- Not eating or exercising very close to bedtime, 
- Not watching TV in bed and avoiding caffeine or alcohol several hours before bed. 
- He also recommends trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. 
- Very interestingly, he also suggests establishing a "worry time." Making lists of things worrying you or your to do list for the next day, then setting it aside before going to bed. This one I know I will try!

Another sleep expert, Dr. Joseph Kaplan director of the sleep disorders center at the Mayo Clinic gives the following advice for an easier transition into the time change:

1) Be sure you are exposed to strong morning light after the time change
Spring so far this year!
(Chris making snowballs this spring!!)
2) Reduce stimuli at bed time
3) Keep your bedroom quiet and dark
4) Maintain consistent sleep wake patterns
5) Follow a bedtime routine

One good thing about springing ahead? That means spring is in fact just around the corner just as I promised!

Regards in health,
Dr. Shepherd


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