Thursday, August 25, 2016

Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

I'm not sure if the prevalence of Alzheimer's is increasing or if it is just that I'm seeing more patients whose lives are being touched by this so very sad condition. Whatever the case is, I felt moved to write a little bit about Alzheimer's from a nutritional perspective.

Here are some dietary do's and dont's that may be key in helping prevent Alzheimer's disease:

1) Supplements: Some nutrients are very important for the healthy function of the nervous system. B Vitamins, magnesium and unsaturated fatty acids appear to significantly aid in the health of the nervous system. Some studies show that antioxidants, Vitamin E and choline are also essential.

2) Avoid: Sugar, additives, preservatives, aluminium  (eg aluminium cooking utensils, cans, etc.,) alcoholic beverages and cured cheeses may also be on the don't list!

3) Eat these: Green leafy vegetables (e.g. watercress and lettuce,) brewer's yeast, nuts like cashews, pine nuts, almonds and brazil nuts and oatmeal.

As always when starting any health program, please do consult your healthcare provider. If you have questions or concerns do call us in office we are happy to be of service.

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