Monday, March 29, 2021

Could my back pain be coming from my feet?


Durable medical equipment and orthotics


Durable medical equipment includes things as simple as a brace for the sacroiliac joints to equipment such as specialized chairs or personal electric stimulation units for use at home. Orthotics are inserts that are worn inside the shoes and these may be purchased over the counter or may be prescribed and custom fit.

In school a professor once said that if a patient has bad ergonomics, continuing to treat him may have little or no benefit until that problem is corrected. We have seen this first hand in practice. From poor work space organization, to terrible beds and pillows, to wearing the wrong kinds of shoes, all of these can affect the outcome of a patient. This is why very early on in treatment we have a discussion about patients’ environments. Looking at the wear patterns on shoes and whether their legs and hips are the same height/length can also be very revealing. Taking a holistic approach to treatment means that we are in a better position not only to correctly diagnose the problem but to identify possible barriers to progress.

In our office we use the appropriate combination of the 7 keys to lasting relief. We have a proven 3 step process that is 100 % natural. We use the right keys at the right time to reduce pain, improve activities of daily living and then we give patients the tools to help themselves stay out of pain at home on their own.

You may still have more questions or concerns after reading this here about some therapies that help patients with back pain, so I invite you to get our free ebook: #BePainFree. There you will find a list of frequently asked questions and answers that may help you. Some of these FAQ’s have been adopted from the American and Canadian Chiropractic Associations. There are also a few interesting testimonials from real patients. If you don’t find the answer to your question in the #bePainFree eBook, do feel free to contact us in office. We are happy to help.

Do you want to know more? Download the #BePainFree eBook, it is FREE!

Just Click Here.

The free eBook is called:

 #BePainFree - The Five Causes Of Back Pain And The Seven Keys To Lasting Relief

Regards in health,

Dr. Davia H. Shepherd

Saporito Chiropractic

 *Disclaimer: Please remember that it's impossible for me to diagnose you and treat you just by you reading one of my articles. I'm superwoman it's true, but even that is beyond my capabilities. So before you engage in any health and wellness activities, do consult your health care provider. Please know that we are happy to address your personal concerns, just call us in office to schedule your personal consultation; and thanks ever so much for reading. We appreciate you.

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