Thursday, January 22, 2015

Your health and wellness: Happy National Hug Day – How hugs improve your health!

Here’s my challenge to you today: Can you give away 20 hugs today? Then going forward how about seeing how many hugs you can give away every day? OK, so I'm not sending you out to hug random strangers. That would just be weird, not to mention…unsafe! There are however so many reasons that hugs are a great idea and a lot of the reasons have to do with your health!

1)      Hugs have been shown scientifically to increase the levels of the hormone oxytocin in the body. This tends to lead to feelings of attachment, connection, trust and intimacy. Not bad! I’d say we could all use a boost of that hormone, don’t you?

2)      If you are the parent of a toddler or small child, work those hugs! Psychologists say hugs improve children’s behavior by reassuring them of love.

3)      Social effects of hugs: Hugs increase social bonding, increase happiness and decrease stress.

4)      More health benefits: Hugs improve heart rate, decrease blood pressure and decrease the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

All this from a free hug!!

Need more reasons to hug? Studies now show hugs help ward off depression and boost immunity. So go ahead, take full advantage of the benefits of national hug day today…and every day for that matter!

Sending you hugs and blessings,


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