Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Being Supermom

I have so many amazing things to tell you about today!

I’m certain you will agree with me that Moms are the cornerstone of our communities and that when Moms are strong and well supported the whole family and community at large benefit!  Well, over the past year we started the Mini Mommy-Summits to provide resources for our local Moms. Our community of Moms all seemed to have the same concerns: How can we have less stress and better time management skills? What are the best nutritional choices for our families? How can we attend to our self care without taking away from other aspects of our lives?

Most moms if they are anything like me feel like they are always rushing, being reactive instead of being proactive. Add to that concerns about the health and wellness of the family, not enough sleep let alone self care, and you have a real conundrum! What we have learned is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine instead the utopian life where everything is planned and happens according to plan. The family is healthy in every way, and taking time to take care of Mom is always ok. Let’s face it though, the Mom who has things this much under control seems to be more the exception than the rule, and it’s no one’s fault. This just doesn’t seem to be something we talk about much and no one has been teaching us how to do this as Moms.

What I’ve discovered is that there are 7 steps to being a veritable SuperMom. I know this because, believe it or not, there was a time not so long ago when I was not so Super J. What I found is that applying the same things I learned in Chiropractic school and the things I learned while pursuing my master’s degree in clinical nutrition could be applied to my own life, and may in some ways have saved my life. That was truly one of those “healer heal thyself” moments!

So this takes me to my amazing good news: Mini MommySummits will be hosting our 7 week – “Being SuperMom Bootcamp” starting in March! We will be sharing EVERYTHING that has worked for us in 7 convenient teleclasses. Plus we will give access to an amazing Facebook group of Moms just like me who share their joys and triumphs, get help with their concerns and just generally support each other in a fantastic way. You may know someone who wants to be a part of this movement! I know I see one in the mirror every day. For more information about how to join us, just call us in office (860-589-1491) or e mail – put SuperMom in the subject line! I can’t wait to hear from you!

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  Hi Y’all, Happy Holidays! And all the best for the new year! So much has been happening over here at your friendly neighborhood chiropract...