Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Goodbye Arthritis

In practice we see a lot of patients who suffer from pain due to arthritic changes. Some patients have back and neck pain as a result of this, while others have pain in the larger joints such as the hips or knees. Interestingly, patients who come in with these kinds of conditions almost always say to me: “I have pain, it’s just a part of getting older I guess.” Well, if you have ever read one of my articles or ever spoken with me, you will know that telling me something is just a part of getting older gets me to launch off into one of my soap box moments. I have so many friends, patients and family members who are older and who are living pain free, quality filled lives and I refuse to subscribe to the “It’s part of getting older,” theory. Now, I know what you are going to say. You are thinking: “As you get older you will see!” And I will reply, “Being completely pain free is possible for a majority of patients in pain.”  Here’s how.

In my many years working in healthcare (over 16 years helping patients,) I’ve found that for patients with
arthritic changes, mobilization and movement is helpful for joint health. There was a study, (you all know how much I love studies!) that was published by the AMA a few years ago that showed that just walking for 30 min per day helped patients with arthritic changes to have less pain. The study did note that at first the pain was increased and that for some patients in the study getting into walking daily was difficult, however over time the benefit to patients was significant. In addition to encouraging our patients to increase their mobility, we also recommend, for patients in pain, specific rehabilitation exercises that strengthen the involved muscles, help with balance and stretch muscles that may be guarded, in spasm or in some way imbalanced. The patients who stick with their rehabilitation / corrective exercise regimens are ALWAYS the ones who do much better and who see resolution much faster.

Of course as a Chiropractor I must explain about how manual medicine modalities help patients with arthritic changes to be pain free. “Manual medicine modalities” is a catch all term that we use to describe the non invasive interventions that we use to help patients with painful musculo-skeletal conditions. Some of my favorites include heat and cold therapies which can help relax muscles and reduce inflammation.  Another favorite is Ultrasound which can significantly reduce inflammation.  Muscle stimulation may help reduce muscle spasm/ guarding, help send a new message to the brain about pain, and depending on the type of muscle stimulation, may help reduce inflammation as well. Soft tissue and joint mobilization help improve mobility and range of motion. Laser therapy stimulates healing and reduces inflammation. For some patients, ergonomic suggestions, orthopedic supports, orthotics and durable medical devices can also be helpful noninvasive additions to treatment. These are just a few of the available modalities and a few of their benefits. The bottom line is this: adding in manual medicine methods to corrective exercises is a winning proposition.

Those of you who have read our column before are expecting me to talk about how nutrition can play a
HUGE role in getting to that pain free status.  I will not disappoint! Many patients with arthritic changes will agree that inflammation is a big contributor to the pain that they experience. Patients often get prescribed steroids, traditional non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents or COX 2 inhibitors, once they are diagnosed with arthritic conditions. These medications target the inflammatory process at different points in an effort to reduce inflammation and influence the patient’s pain level. Well, here’s a little known fact. You can influence the inflammatory pathway by changing the diet and even by adding in certain superfoods and supplements. I’m going to share (with hippa released permission,) the story of a patient who has spinal stenosis. She came in with pain that at times was 10/10 and she could barely do anything at home. The biggest problems for her were vacuuming her carpet, loading her dishwasher and even just bending forward to make her bed or put on her shoes. She was having a hard time, and was not particularly impressed when we suggested that she increase her mobility with the prescribed exercises. She had also never been to see a chiropractor before and may have heard some horrendous things, so you can imagine how much pain she had to be in for her to make her way to see one. When we talked about how nutrition influences inflammation though, she got it. She was determined to be pain free and she was on board for all the dietary recommendations. Within 3 months her pain level was so low that she was able to not only do her house work, but she was also able to help her daughter with her household chores and was also able to help out with grand kids. In 6 months she was completely pain free. She also noted that she felt so much better and healthier in general. She was so happy with her progress that she agreed that we could share her story in the event that it might be helpful to someone else. At the end of the day, what we take into our bodies matters and clinical nutrition therapy targeted at the inflammation process can be outstanding in its ability to reduce overall pain.

Neuromuscular reeducation helps patients in pain by disrupting the pain patterns that have been established especially in patients in chronic pain. Cognitive methods as well as physical medicine methods work together to fill in the final piece of the pain free puzzle.

Even though this sort of non invasive protocol will work wonders for almost all patients, as with anything else there are going to be a couple of patients for whom this approach will not be appropriate. In school when we are training to be physicians, we learn that when treating with patients we go from the least invasive method to the most invasive. For patients who fail non invasive therapy, options such as holistic treatments, medication as well as surgical interventions should not be overlooked and generally those patients are identified early and referred to the appropriate provider that can get them to pain free as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: Please remember that it's impossible for me to diagnose you and treat you just by you reading one of my articles. I'm supermom it’s true, but even that is beyond my capabilities. So before you engage in any health and wellness activities, do consult your healthcare provider. Please know that we are happy to address your personal concerns, just call us in office to schedule your personal consultation; and thanks ever so much for reading. Stay in touch with us on Facebook. We appreciate you.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A longer, healthier, quality-filled life...are you in?


Close your eyes, where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, and 20 - even 30 years from today. What is your health like? Are you full of vitality? Can you see in your mind’s eye, “future-you” participating in all the activities of daily living that you might want to? Are you healthy enough to have fun with friends, with kids? Can you play with grandkids? Are you healthy enough to exercise in the way you want to? Do you feel well enough to vacation like a rockstar and take advantage of all the things you have been planning to do on that famous “someday?

Some people think disease conditions are just a part of getting older but evidence shows that indeed it isn’t. And well, for me personally, I refuse to buy into that. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that I give my body the best possible advantage so that in 20, 30 maybe even 50 years from today I’m in my best possible health. What do you think?

There is a quote that I love that could have been from Hippocrates “The Father of Medicine.” I think it was again re-quoted by inventor extraordinaire Thomas Edison. Whatever the attribution, it goes like this: “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Well dear reader, apparently I am the doctor of the future who was prophesied, and it may very well be that the future is NOW. But on a serious note: It is my intention, for every single patient every single time, to live a healthier, pain free life. That’s why in office we are continually focused on sharing with all our patients about clinical nutrition and the role lifestyle plays in overall health and wellness.

For those of you who are regular readers, you know that I am a work in progress and that I tend to share my “aha” moments freely. So here it is: Here is my personal 5 point plan to a healthier quality filled life:

1) Reduce stress
2) Use the “Farmacy”
3) Know our risk
4) Develop our personalized healthy lifestyle plan
5) Implement, implement, implement!

Reduce Stress

“Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that's very important for good health.” Dalai Lama

When our bodies are exposed to stressful situations, a wonderful thing happens. In order for our bodies to focus on removing the stressor effectively, the hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released. It’s pretty complicated what happens from here on, but the short version of the long story is that cortisol and adrenaline act to shut down the body systems deemed unessential in an emergency, and focuses the body’s resources where it can be used effectively to get you away from the stressful situation. Then once the stressor is past, cortisol and adrenaline should be eliminated from the body and the body can get back to digestion, growth, repair etc. – You know, all the good stuff. But… you guessed it, there’s a big BUT. For many of us, our lives for the most part seem to be stress filled. As such we are in many cases making more stress hormones than we need and are unable to fully flush our stress hormones from our bodies. You can see how that is a big problem. The first step on my 5 point plan to a healthier me (and you…) therefore, has to be stress reduction.

Use “The Farmacy”

“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” Bethenny Frankel

Almost everyone now-a-days has heard of power foods. From TV shows, to magazines, to even this very column - everyone talks a lot about the benefits of eating a varied and plant based diet. The truth is that when you walk into your produce department of your local grocer or when you open up your spice cabinet, a world of amazing health benefits await. I spend a lot of time in workshops and seminars, talking about the potential health benefits of various fruits, vegetables and spices / herbs. And while some foods like your beets, kale and avocadoes deserve special mention, what we do know is that increasing our intake of fruits and vegetables in general, to about 12 servings per day, can go a long way to a healthier me. It sounds like a lot, I know, but keeping in mind how small serving sizes are, it’s actually quite easy. Here’s my typical fruit and veggie day: I have about 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies mixed together in my green smoothie in the morning. I try to have a serving of fruit mid morning but I’m not going to lie, I get busy and that rarely happens. At lunch though, I usually have a big salad: 4 servings of veggies easy, and in the mid afternoon I may have 1-2 servings of veggies to keep me going. At dinner time I like to have a few servings of cooked veggies (about 3) with my meal and that usually takes me over my 12 serving quota for the day. Delicious and doable.

Know Your Risk

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison

When it comes to our health most of us, including myself, tend to be more reactive than proactive. We try to, in a very general way, “eat right and exercise.” The health care paradigm up to now has been: We wait for symptoms of disease to show up or for something to be abnormal on our lab work to know our potential for long term illness. We are living in reaction mode, waiting for something to actually go wrong and then we hope that at that point it won’t be too late and that we can fix it. Science promised us a day when we would be able to look at our genome, determine our risk and act accordingly. Fortunately, we now have access to safe reasonably inexpensive tools that can give us deep insight into our potential health problems. For many of our patients, a quick DNA cheek swab analyzed by the lab can provide a lot of information. Do I have a gene that suggests that insulin resistance and perhaps diabetes may be a problem for me in the future? Does my DNA show me to be at increased cardiovascular risk? Am I genetically predisposed to have thinning bones? Currently the technology that exists allows us to analyze 48 genes and 61 variations to give us information that can help us lead longer healthier lives.

Develop a personalized plan

“With great power comes great responsibility…” Spiderman’s uncle Ben?

Knowing what my risk is, well that’s great, but now what. So now I know that I have a gene that predisposes me to higher cholesterol even though my lipid profiles to date have been pretty normal… what now. Clearly this seems like a moment to panic, but maybe not. What I do know is that knowledge is power. Now that I know what I know about my genetic makeup, I can work with my doctor to put together a health and wellness plan that will help me be as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Did I mention: Knowledge is power? This knowledge allows me to make decisions for my future based upon cutting edge science.

The Implementation

“Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do...” Lou Holtz

There isn’t really very much to say on this topic. Knowledge is great, developing a plan is outstanding, but the key is in the implementation. Being committed to the lifestyle changes that can lead to the long healthy high quality life that we all desire is the bottom line.

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Mahatma Gandhi

In closing, I’ll share a story, with permission, from one of my absolute favorite patients. She and her husband had worked hard over the years and they really put in a serious plan for retirement. They did all the things we are supposed to do and then retirement came. My patient said to me one day: “Dr. Shepherd, money is not our problem. We saved and planned for this retirement. We planned that when we retired we would be able to take all these vacations all over the world, travel to spend time with our grand kids and generally just be healthy. But with [his] health problems and mine it’s really put a damper on our plans.”

I will say again what I said to her: It’s never too late to start being healthier, the healthiest you can be under the circumstances. You don’t have to do this alone or rely on guess work or chance.

The future is now...Will you join us?

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

You - Clean Lean Machine - 21 Days!

It’s officially spring and some days are beginning to unofficially look like summer. So off come the layers and in we head to swimsuit season, shorts season and summer dress season. If you have been reading these articles for a while, you will know that I tend to over share so please do excuse me while I let you in on what’s really going on with me.

A little over seven years ago, I went from a very strong fitness focused size smallish to a size mediumish/large. After I had my first baby it took quite a while for me to get back into my fitness and eating habits; And as soon as I found I was able to squeeze back into a few of my pre pregnancy clothes, I discovered I was expecting yet again. We are blessed to have our two amazing boys and now it’s time for me to get back to making sure I’m the best possible version of me. My intention is to return to my fitness routine. I will resume eating for one J and of course in the process lose about 15 lbs. I’m using the next 21days to get myself back on track and I’m going to share with you below, my 5 point plan to ensure my success.

1)      Get clear on what has been an obstacle in the past for success in the future
This will be different for everyone. For me, if my exercise is part of my daily routine, it gets done. If I get to it, when I get to it…well you guessed it, with my busy schedule, I may not get to it. I have to work on scheduling in my work out time. For me this has to be a priority. As far as food goes, my nemesis is salty snacks. I could walk past the most gorgeous, delicious buffet of sweets and pastries with no difficulty, but dear reader, when the potato chip company said “you can’t have just one,” I think they may have had me in mind. Our dear friend and health and wellness consultant - Lynn McDonald says that the things that hold us back often are patterns rooted in the brain. Disrupting these unhealthy patterns increases the probability of success.

2)      Focus on food – eat more, eat more often, eat more healthy stuff
This part is going to be the easy part for me I think. I know that there are so many delicious and healthy foods at my disposal. Eating 6 small meals per day will keep me full, focused and will reduce the likelihood of cravings and binges.  It will mean focusing on a plant based diet – I don’t intend to go back to being vegetarian mind you – but just eating more fruits and vegetables. Like at least 12-13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.  Planning my meals and packing my meals daily will take a little doing but once I pack healthy stuff it will be unlikely that I will reach for processed junk food. I also need to keep track of my water intake and take my supplements.

3)      Get professional help
We could all use some professional help. Even though I am a physician and additionally I have a master’s degree in clinical nutrition, Step 3 for me will be sitting with a professional.  Mechael Hamilton our in house Wellness Coach will be my resource for crafting my long term strategy.  Lifetime sustainable eating plans are not “one size fits all.” Almost all patients (including me of course,) have specific health concerns that must be addressed. Professional help ensures the right plan for my needs and ensures long term success.

4)      EveryBody…Move your body, AKA: There is beauty in strength
We all know diet is the key to improving health and wellness but exercise is also important. Once you are cleared by your healthcare provider for exercise, making time for aerobic cardiovascular exercise as well as weight bearing exercises helps build lean strong muscles as well as strong bones.

5)      Don’t stress
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been known to reach for the not so good for you carbs when under stress.  That can be a slippery slope, derailing the whole healthy eating idea. During the next 21 days I will be focusing on keeping my stress levels as low as I possibly can. Exercise, including my yoga class, deep breathing exercises, laughing, journaling, listening to music and meditation have all been cited in the literature as effective means for reducing stress. In the past listening to music and running have been effective stress busters for me.

The key is commitment. One of the number one reasons health and wellness plans fail is that people are just not ready to do what it takes. It wasn’t the right time for me before but I am ready now. The other thing I know for sure is that dieting doesn’t seem to be a sustainable way to get lean and healthy for life. In my experience guiding patients over the years, what I have found is that a change in lifestyle seems to be what works best.

Please do feel free to join me and our patients who have decided to take the 21 day health and wellness challenge. For more information on how to participate in our upcoming workshop, at no cost to you, just call us in office or click here. There is strength in numbers, let’s get strong together.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

5 Holistic Interventions for Allergy Season!

35 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. In our office we have already started seeing patients with allergies, so it is an appropriate time to share a few expert strategies for managing allergies. Always talk to your health care provider before implementing any health care suggestions.

1) Watch the stress!
 A recent study found that stress is as bad as or even more dangerous than smoking 15 cigarettes per day, no exercise, overindulging in alcohol and obesity. For seasonal allergies some studies recommend: Sauna Therapy, Massage Therapy and Essential Oils. A perfect recipe for relaxation: A bath or shower with essential oils such as clary sage, sweet orange, lavender or lemon.

2) Get started with spring cleaning!
 Address the indoor allergens. Wet dusting, air filters and vacuums with HEPA filters all help. Clean curtains and bedding on the highest temperature settings. Reduce house plants and stuffed toys. Reduce humidity in the home.

 3) Keep outdoor allergies out!
 Wash the nose daily with a nasal saline rinse or consider using a Neti Pot, especially after being outside. Wear sunglasses outside to help keep pollen out of the eyes. Consider nasal barrier methods such as Nasal Screens to keep the allergens out.

4) Fix the GUT
70-80% of the immune system resides in the gastrointestinal tract. Treating allergies with nutritional interventions appears appropriate. Reducing fructose in the diet has been found to be helpful for allergy sufferers. An anti-allergy diet tailored to the patient's needs has also been found to be effective. Adding a probiotic and omega 3 fatty acids is usually advantageous for allergy sufferers.

5) Some foods and herbal supplements may help
For allergy season, these foods help keep the respiratory tract healthy.

1) Mucolytics: E.g. onions and radishes.
They soften mucous and help us get rid of it.

2) Emollients or Demulcents: e.g. okra, dates and figs.
These reduce respiratory mucosal inflammation.

3) Antiseptics: E.g. thyme, garlic and propolis.
These reduce harmful bacteria and viruses.

There are many supplements that have been shown to be very effective for treating seasonal allergies. Consider including more foods containing vitamin C and fruits and vegetables containing quercetin. Green Tea may also help with the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Good results have also been seen with condiments such as oregano and olive leaf.

 Allergies affect 1 in 5 Americans.  Living with allergies can be difficult even debilitating, however nutritional interventions exist and have been proven effective. If you or someone you know suffers from allergies, please do speak to your health care provider or call us at 860-589-1491

Regards in health,
Dr. Shepherd

Saturday, March 11, 2017

5 Health Tips To Ease The Time Change Transition

We have transitioned into daylight savings time! How is that going for you? If you are like me, the time change may still have you feeling a little groggy at best, and full on exhausted at worst.

Spring is coming!
(Chris picking dandelions last spring.)
It seems falling back is always so much easier than the spring ahead for my family and even for many of our patients. Here are a few tips to try to make the transition a little easier: 

Sleep expert Dr. Feinsilver recommends:
- Not eating or exercising very close to bedtime, 
- Not watching TV in bed and avoiding caffeine or alcohol several hours before bed. 
- He also recommends trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. 
- Very interestingly, he also suggests establishing a "worry time." Making lists of things worrying you or your to do list for the next day, then setting it aside before going to bed. This one I know I will try!

Another sleep expert, Dr. Joseph Kaplan director of the sleep disorders center at the Mayo Clinic gives the following advice for an easier transition into the time change:

1) Be sure you are exposed to strong morning light after the time change
Spring so far this year!
(Chris making snowballs this spring!!)
2) Reduce stimuli at bed time
3) Keep your bedroom quiet and dark
4) Maintain consistent sleep wake patterns
5) Follow a bedtime routine

One good thing about springing ahead? That means spring is in fact just around the corner just as I promised!

Regards in health,
Dr. Shepherd


Friday, March 10, 2017

Detox Myths Debunked

Lots of people like to do "cleanses" or detoxes at this time of year. But since our moms taught us not to give in to peer pressure, before jumping on the detox band wagon, you have to ask yourself: What are these cleanses anyway, are they healthy, who should do one, should I do one and how does one even do a cleanse? Well, I'm glad you are thinking so critically, and as always I'm only too happy to help. Here's the REAL deal with detox:

Let me take a minute to just review a few important things about the digestive system so that you will understand my position on detox. Let’s review digestion 101: We eat yummy stuff, the food we eat is processed in the gastrointestinal system and the nutrients are absorbed into our blood and go straight to the liver for detox. (They do not pass go, they do not collect $200.) In the liver bad stuff is neutralized and the neutralized waste is eventually excreted by the kidneys.  The left over bulk in the GI tract goes through to the colon for elimination. We could go into great detail about this but let’s not. The key point here is that the Liver, Kidneys and Colon are detoxing us all day every day - essentially removing waste and toxic stuff so we can run like the finely tuned machines that we were meant to be.

In a perfect world our bodies would do all the detoxing that we need, but you will agree that pollutants are everywhere: In our air, food, water and products in our environment. Our bodies neutralize toxins but over-exposure to toxins can be damaging and toxins build up over time. But is detoxing or cleansing the answer? Looking at some of the protocols out there I cringe. Some are downright dangerous and can lead to many side effects including muscle wasting, energy depletion and nutrient depletion.

My recommendation: A detox lifestyle. You guys know me well enough by now to know I’m not a big fan of diets and fads. I think they don’t usually provide sustained results and are usually more trouble than they are worth. Lifestyle changes however are my jam, I’m all over that! A detox lifestyle? What in tarnation is that? It’s just a simple eating plan focusing on foods that support the kidney, liver and colon. It also includes adding in specific supplements for nutritional support of the kidney, liver and colon, and of course as with most of my recommendations, we recommend a holistic approach.

But what foods support healthy liver, colon and kidney function? Here is a list of foods to consider adding: A plant based diet is generally recommended. Try adding fruits and vegetables such as Belgian endive, artichokes, cruciferous veggies, radishes, beets and beet greens, apples, grapes, onions, walnuts, avocados, citrus fruits, celery, asparagus, melons, hazelnuts, eggplant, cranberries and purple fruits and veggies - e.g. blueberries.

Generally, digestive health can be aided by adding an anti-inflammatory supplement, an antioxidant supplement, a probiotic, a multi vitamin and fiber to the daily routine.  Additionally, check your produce department and spice rack for things like aloe, garlic, dandelion, curcumin, green tea, rosemary and ginger.  There are some herbs that can help, but be sure to talk to a health care provider who is experienced with herbs, in order to ensure they are appropriate for you before starting anything like that.

There are holistic and supportive therapies for improving the body’s ability to detox. Some studies mention that massage therapy, heat therapy (e.g. deep infrared sauna therapy,) essential oils and exercise can aid the detox lifestyle. Other studies confirm benefits from stress reduction activities such as breathing exercises, walks in nature, exercise, music, dance, singing, meditation, laughing, journaling and taking a nap.
And one more thing: You have to drink water. That’s a whole other article for another day.

There are real benefits of a detox lifestyle. Some studies show that a detox lifestyle can reduce cravings, help with weight management, increase nutrients, improve mental clarity, reduce inflammation and even help improve chronic conditions. Patients also report that they feel good physically and emotionally.
Do you want more information about transitioning safely and easily to a detox lifestyle without significant side effects, and without losing the joy of food? Please join us for our #Power_Transformation workshop on April 1, or call us in office.

Please, please, please do remember that it's absolutely impossible for me to diagnose you and treat you just by you reading one of my articles. I'm superwoman it's true but even that is beyond my capabilities. So before you engage in any health and wellness activities, do consult your healthcare provider. We are happy to address your personal concerns, call us in office (860-589-1491) to schedule your personal consultation; and thanks ever so much for your attention!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The happiness recipe continued ...

Thanks for coming back to look at part two of the happiness recipe. The article was running long but I know everyone is waiting with baited breath to see what the LOVE HORMONE does so here it is. Do comment on our Facebook page. We love getting your feedback.

What it does: (This one’s my favorite to talk about as you will see from this being quite lengthy compared to the others but please do humor me.) So Oxytocin: It's known as the LOOOVE hormone ;)  It's produced in the brain and its main functions appear to be its role in childbirth and breastfeeding. It is said to be associated with bonding, attachment and closeness and may enhance the instinct to be protective of others. Oxytocin may also make you kinder and more altruistic. The effect of oxytocin appears to be in opposition to that of cortisol and this may explain how it reduces stress and improves sleep. There are some recent studies that suggest that oxytocin may help reduce cravings and may be helpful for patients with addictions; while other studies show positive effects of oxytocin on patients diagnosed with autism. This all sounds amazing; this all sounds like everyone in the world should go out and get some oxytocin. But how...from where....??? Glad you asked!

How you can get your body to make more of it: Get off social media and actually get social! Spend time connecting with friends and family members that have a positive influence and effect on you. (Please note: If you have a friend or relative that infuriates you, hanging out with them is not going to boost your oxytocin levels people...just saying.) Pick up the phone and call an old friend that you haven't talked to in ages and feel the hormones surge. Another booster: be intentionally kind; Go out of your way to just do amazingly awesome things for as many people as you can. I want to make a disclaimer here. I'm not sending anyone out to do anything weird. That being said, physical contact boosts oxytocin, big time. So: Get a massage, give a high five, hug a friend or family member, shake hands with someone or just cuddle on the sofa to kick up your oxytocin levels a notch. Other activities that appear to boost oxytocin levels seem to boost the levels of the other happy chemicals too. If you feel like you need a shot of oxytocin, try listening to soothing music, doing some exercise (even just a walk in nature can get things going!) Find something very funny to laugh about, deep belly laughs are best. Do some breathing exercises, yoga or meditation type activities are good. Get warm: Warm baths, steams or saunas may help. All of these things appear to have a positive effect on the happy hormones in general.

Foods that help: "Ok, Doc," you're saying. "What about food or supplements that can boost our levels?" I hear what you are saying. We are after all a culture that likes to have the option to pop that pill or in some way ingest that specific thing to get the required result. As always I will not disappoint on the "let your food be your medicine" front, but it's not what you are thinking. It seems that most food stimulates oxytocin production, especially if there is a protein-carbohydrate combination. The trick to increasing the flow of the love hormone is to share a meal with someone or with the family...It appears it's the connections that do the trick with this one.

The recipe: So there you have it folks. It seems to me the bottom line is: Engage in overt positivity, be nice to others, and eat healthily including a healthy balance of fruits and veggies. Exercise, stay connected with those you like and for heaven's sake, laugh. Check how often you laugh now, multiply that by a hundred and maybe you will be close to laughing as much as you should. Drink water, get rest.... Wait a minute... These are all the things we encourage for improving overall health.


Disclaimer: Remember that it's absolutely impossible for me to diagnose you and treat you just by you reading one of my articles. I'm superwoman it's true but even that is beyond my capabilities. So before you engage in any health and wellness activities, do consult your health care provider. We are happy to address your personal concerns, call us in office to schedule your personal consultation; and thanks ever so much for reading!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
It's true. I'm on a "Don't worry , be happy," rant again. I've shared the secret actual "How To Be Happy Recipe" below, so please do scroll down to yesterday's post for the details!

Like I said last month, this year we are focused on helping transform lives by transforming overall health. We had our #Power_Transformation workshop last month and it was amazing. Scroll down for the few pictures I managed to take and a picture from our earlier Power Transformation retreat. We were so involved and had so much fun that we almost forgot to take photos this time around! I hope you can come to our next #Power_Transformation workshop on Feb 25th. Scroll down for more information. 

I know I say this all the time, but I want you to know I truly mean it: Thanks again for your continued support. This month we are having our New Patient Recruitment Drive. We invite you to share about us to anyone who you think may benefit from joining the Saporito Chiropractic family. If there is any way that we can be of service to you in any capacity, as always, please do not hesitate to ask.

Regards in health,
Dr. Shepherd

P.S. If you or anyone you know would like to attend our #Power_transformation Workshops please just click here


Monday, February 13, 2017

My Valentine's Day gift to you: The "GET HAPPY" Recipe

No matter what your persuasion you will agree with me when I say it's time to focus on Happy! You are probably wondering why your trusty neighborhood chiropractor is talking to you yet again about focusing on HAPPY. Well...the World Health Organization says “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In my opinion this means being HAPPY is a significant part of being HEALTHY, so here are some technical deets on what's going on on your insides and how to use this info to make happy your everyday state of being!

It's all about chemistry people. When we are happy, our bodies produce certain chemicals. Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins are the key happy chemicals. Funnily enough production of these happy chemicals appears, based on studies, to be associated with healing, improved health and overall well being. If we can get our bodies to produce these chemicals more often, guess what: Instant HAPPY!! Improved HEALTHY!!

So here's the blueprint in a nutshell:

What it does: Serotonin helps us feel significant, agreeable, important and sociable. It transmits messages from one part of the brain to another. A small amount appears to be used in the brain and 90% is used in other areas of the body like the GI system and in blood platelets. The bad news is some research states serotonin imbalances can lead to depression. Boo!

How you can get your body to make more of it:
 Think positive thoughts. Do those "woo woo" Gratitude practices. Get sunlight. Do forty minutes of aerobic exercise. Take care of and protect others. There is even some evidence that watching someone being nice to others can boost your serotonin! WOW!

Foods that help:
 Serotonin is manufactured from the amino acid tryptophan. Foods containing significant tryptophan content are all protein rich foods. Fish, nuts, eggs, cheese and turkey are all good sources, but of course it's a little more complicated than just increasing your protein intake. In order to get that tryptophan boost: eat your tryptophan containing foods at the same time as carbohydrate containing foods.

What it does: It's involved in movement, memory, pleasurable reward, behavior, cognition, attention, sleep, mood, learning, enjoyment, bliss and euphoria. Dopamine helps us get things done and helps us achieve more. Not getting enough can result in fatigue, lack of motivation, mood swings and memory loss. Definitely want to make sure dopamine levels aren’t low, but in a healthy way!

How you can get your body to make more of it:
 Set goals, complete tasks, cross things off the “to do list.” You probably already know this one: You have to exercise, but in order to increase dopamine levels, low impact exercise is just fine e.g. yoga, going for a walk. You don't have to go the extreme fitness route, unless you want to! Other dopamine increasing activities may include: Meditation, hobbies, music, as well as taking on and achieving challenges.

Foods that help:  It seems that
all animal products help increase dopamine levels. Other foods include: almonds, apples, avocado, bananas, beets, chocolate (the real stuff not the sugar filled junk!) Beans, green leafy vegetables, green tea, oatmeal, nuts and seeds, curcumas, watermelon, wheat germ and foods high in natural probiotics.

What it does: Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers! Gotta love that! 

How you can get your body to make more of it:
 Do strenuous exercise! Use lavender and vanilla essential oils. Endorphins are also produced from laughing, sex, positivity and affirmations.

Foods that help: Spicy food, chocolate, nuts, B vitamins, eggs, avocado, leafy green vegetables, omega 3's and beets.

OK.  This is running long! You do not want to miss my take on the LOVE HORMONE OXYTOCIN, so can you please just check in here next week for the conclusion of this article? Please, please, please? Just click here: http://saporitochiropractic.blogspot.com/

Disclaimer: Remember that it's absolutely impossible for me to diagnose you and treat you just by you reading one of my articles. I'm superwoman it's true, but even that is beyond my capabilities! :) So before you engage in any health and wellness activities, do consult your healthcare provider. We are happy to address your personal concerns, call us in office to schedule your personal consultation; and thanks ever so much for reading!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How are you sleeping? Tips to improve sleep and overall health and wellness

Sleep is so important for our health and wellness. Chronic sleep deprivation can result in increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression heart attack and even stroke. Here are some tips to improve our sleep.

1) What and when you eat can influence quality of sleep. Avoid heavy meals 2-3 hours before going to bed.
2) Foods that help sleep: Oats, malt beverage, honey, carbohydrates and lettuce help sleep
3) Some herbs can help sleep: Chamomile, Passion fruit tea
4) Maintain a consistent sleep schedule all week including the weekends.
5) Make sure of exercise at least 1/2 hour per day, just try to do it more than 3 hours before bed.
6) Try to eat no sooner than 2 hours before bedtime. Try not to go to bed too hungry or too full.
7) Naps are ok but limit them to 30 min.
8) Make sure your room is a relaxing, comfortable oasis.

As usual, these tips are not for everyone, so be sure to consult your healthcare provider before starting any nutritional program. And do call us at Saporito Chiropractic 860-589-1491 for a nutrition therapy appointment!


  Hi Y’all, Happy Holidays! And all the best for the new year! So much has been happening over here at your friendly neighborhood chiropract...