Monday, January 4, 2021

2020 was a terrible year for my health and wellness

 Happy New Year. We wish you a happy and healthy 2021.

I'm going to be honest with you: 2020 threw me a bit of a curve ball as far as my health and wellness resolutions were concerned. As the year started I did my daily yoga practice and got into the gym a few days a week for spin classes, which I love, and to work out with my trainer, which is also something I enjoy. Then the pandemic hit, we were in lock down, and suddenly I had no more spin classes and could no longer see my trainer! Que Horror! 

For many the New Year comes with resolutions to be healthier and that for many may include weight loss aspirations. Many of us are familiar with the dreaded weight loss plateau. It’s not a myth! The weight loss plateau affects almost everyone on a weight loss program at some time or the other!  It can be disheartening! You are working so hard at losing weight and suddenly after losing several pounds it seems as though nothing is happening! 

Keep reading to learn more about how to continue progressing with your goals!

The initial large scale weight loss seen by many dieters is due to glycogen break down and water loss but eventually as muscle is lost, metabolism slows down and so does weight loss. Here are 5 simple tips which may help you back on the downward slope toward your weight loss goals!

 "7 day Launchpad to optimal you" - It is a Health and Wellness Challenge. Are you ready to kickstart  your health & wellness for 2021? Are you ready to get back on track? Would you like us to do it together? Join me for free!

1.       Don’t stop! Don’t give up!

Studies show that for many patients, a modest weight loss of just 10 lbs improves long term health and well being significantly. Keep this in mind every day as you continue on towards your goal of a trimmer healthier version of yourself.  Getting discouraged will only set you back and prevent you from realizing your goal, so keep the vision of where you want to be firmly fixed in your head and know that you CAN do it!!

2.       Reconfigure your exercise program

Now that we’ve gotten beyond the pep talk and you are ready to tackle this small hurdle once more, take a careful look at your exercise program. You may feel as though you are doing all you can but there are always ways to get creative in order to get more from your work out. Building muscle is key at this point, as muscle cells have a higher metabolic rate than fat cells which equals more weight loss. Look at your endurance workouts, can you add in more speed intervals and hill intervals in your daily run? Talk to your trainer about increasing the weight bearing and resistance exercises that you are doing.

3.       Calories? What calories?

Talk to your nutritionist or healthcare provider about reducing your daily caloric intake by about 200 calories. This may be the kick start you need to get back on track, but be sure that your daily caloric intake remains at a level that is safe for you.

4.       Focus on Food: Food from Plants that is!

Even though fruit is nature's candy, in the case of Fruit Vs The cookie, the fruit wins hands down! This is the time to ensure that secret calories are not creeping unannounced into your diet! Fill up on fruits and veggies! At least 12 servings per day of veggies is recommended.

5.       Do the math: 50:25:25

Of your daily calories perhaps 50% may be allocated to carbohydrates. Eat high fiber complex carbohydrates like fruits vegetables peas and beans, and if you must have grains, make them whole! 25% of your calories could be low fat protein options. Reducing animal protein sources and opting for lean plant protein options may be the way to go at this time. 25% fat means good fats such as nuts, avocados and olive oil. Generally at this point avoiding processed foods Is a great idea.

6.       Bonus

As I mentioned, I am on my own journey to be healthier. This year I am going back to including more exercise, reducing food from animals and increasing plant based foods in my diet.  I am looking forward to seeing improvements in my numbers that we can all see with improved lifestyle choices:

1)      Improved Metabolism
2)      Improved cardiovascular health
3)      Improved blood sugar levels
4)      Weight loss of on average 28 lbs in 10 weeks
5)      Reduction of body fat by over 6%

In 2020 I managed to get on my yoga mat every morning which was good for my mind as well as my waistline but have been missing my time in the gym. Add to that all the pandemic binging - yes I also had my share of that- and you realize that 2020 was not an ideal situation; And so for 2021 my resolution has to do with crafting and doing my workouts at home. I have an app, I have a trainer that I can work with virtually, I have some new equipment and I have a plan. 

I'll let you know how it's going and I invite you to join me for the:

 "7 day Launchpad to optimal you" - It is a Health and Wellness Challenge. 

Are you ready to kickstart  your health and wellness for 2021? Are you ready to get back on track? Would you like us to do it together for free? 

Join me for free!

I continue on my own journey I will keep you posted.

*Disclaimer: Please remember that it's impossible for me to diagnose you and treat you just by you reading one of my articles. I'm superwoman it's true, but even that is beyond my capabilities. So before you engage in any health and wellness activities, do consult your health care provider. Please know that we are happy to address your personal concerns, just call us in office (860-589-1491) to schedule your personal consultation; and thanks ever so much for reading. We appreciate you.

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